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v7.1.1 changes (16th April 2024) – Windows Only
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash when close and re-open RipX DAW before activating
v7.1.0 changes (20th March 2024)
- FX
- Simple single FX panel for all level, pitch, time and preset/combo effects, automatically sorted into alphabetical order for quick reference
- To create effect presets, now right-click effects and choose ‘Create Preset’
- FX parameters now listed one per line, rather than all in one line – to allow for future extension of FX capabilities.
- Quick Panel replaced with Find Panel, for searching all FX, Sounds and Loops.
- When search term is empty, shows all FX and Sounds applied to the current selection
- Press Enter to apply top item, or use Cursor Up/Down to select alternatives first
- Recently used effects now available from new Context bar – see below
- Cmd/Ctrl+F shortcut and Edit menu item added
- Find now checks Sound Palette/Folder name too
- Find now checks alternative names for effects. For example Reverb>Echo, Vibrato>Wobble, Shift Formant>Smurf, Delay>Echo, Reverse>Backward, Saturation>Distortion, Flanger>Phaser
- Disabled auto-expanding of effects panels and sub items as could be distracting
- Vibrato now begins at note onset, even for layer/time/group effects
- Increased max temporal effects per rip to 65535.
- Installation
- RipX DAW is now installed with access for all users, so that can be used easily on college computers
- Editing
- Context bar shown when a selection is made for quickly applying commonly used effects, duplication, transfer notes to last layer etc
- Auto-disappears when moving cursor away from it, or when scrollingClicks on the rest of the window when pop-up menus open are now handled immediately, plus mouse pointer changes for rest of the window
Bars/beats/time selections can now be clicked and reordered from the bar area at the top.- Hold Cmd/Ctrl to copy the regionClick+drag Zooming in/out can now be done by dragging vertically on the loop bar, as well as from the bottom time bar
Tempo and Time Signature are now sliders for quicker setting- More time signature choices addedClick on Tempo slider background to show original dialog box
Improved undo buffer storage and processing – faster and much lower disc usage for many operations- Applies to effects applied at layer, group and note levels, note pitch changes, barlines, time sigs, group rename, bar markers, musical scale, layer editsMac: Significantly reduces chance of macOS quitting RipX for writing large amounts of data to disc.
When Duplicating time selections, the copy is snapped to beats if close enough, which makes it easier duplicating beats/bars multiple times where tempo varies slightly (Windows: if Alt not held down)Un-collapsed group title bar no longer rendered when not hovered/selected
- Changing time signature now maintains tempo
- Playback & Recording
- Click Track/Metronome moved from Layers Panel to right of transport
- Improved sound falling on barline
- Improved sound quality of applied Sounds during playback
- Removed Practice Clips from Rips to simplify UI
- Enlarged Layers panel Solo buttons so quicker to spot
- New icon for Master layer that differs from Layers panel title
- Removed real-time stretching of Sounds to fill notes to improve playback performance
- Export
- Much faster audio Export, especially where Sounds have been used
- Ripping
- Ripper Options dialog: Added ‘Separate Instruments’ option to all versions so can quickly import audio that does not need instrument separation
- Mac: If using M1/2/3 and macOS Monterey or earlier, GPU ripping is disabled as high-frequency noise can be created.
- About dialog shows ‘DISABLED, UPGRADE MACOS’
- General
- Pop-up menus now appear more smoothly
- Can now zoom out to several times song length to make easier to copy and paste sections later in track
- Improved appearance of panel title bars and spacing above first entry
- Improved appearance of Layers ‘Add’ entry
- Added dividers separating ‘Master’ and ‘Add…’ from the individual layers in the Layers panel
- When open/show a rip, it is now visible selected in the rips panel
- Pre-load Sounds when add/select a layer
- Imported MIDI file note volume now matches export
- Mac: Limited max autoscroll speed
- Improved spacing of time at bottom of screen and bars/beats at top
- Render group name in a light shade of group colour
Bug Fixes
- Fixed opening of some WAV files from MPCs
- Mac: Fixed occasional hang at end of selection playback
- Mac: Fixed crash on macOS 10.12 Sierra
- Windows: If ASIO playback driver selected, fixed slight pauses clicking back on main window after menu shown
- Fixed double-click bar selection in Edit Unpitched Tool
- Mac: Fixed missing ‘Recent’ and ‘Other’ headers under Layers panel>Add
- MIDI notes out of RipX editing range moved into range by octaves
- MIDI track names now used instead of MIDI channels for layer names
- Windows: Updated Export to show error if combined folder/filename are too long, to prevent crash
- Audio files with very long names now rip sensibly
- Fixed alignment of recorded MIDI entry to beats
- Fixed sound played when not recording and changing selected layer
- Improved MIDI recording responsiveness for first note played
- Fixed occasional incorrect metronome sound
- Fixed showing effects applied to groups correctly after undo/redo
- Fix playback of initial step-time note
- Fixed incorrect/lost layer/time effects when opening a rip on another machine
- Fixed issue with corrupted RipList if a rip name is the maximum allowed length
- Fixed issue with rip being extended by a bar each time it’s played to the end
- Mac: Fixed automation lane edits not updating rip display
- Mac: Fixed issue pressing Backspace in Find panel box deleting selected notes
- Allow Cmd/Ctrl+Z/Y undo/redo when Find panel has input focus
- Fixed zoom speed clicking and moving cursor up from time line at bottom
- Mac: Fixed issue with pitch changes not sounding when moving notes up/down with keyboard
- Potential undo crash fix
- Mac: Fixed difficult to see sharps/flats in guitar chords
- Fixed potential crash rendering automation lanes when changing the displayed rip
- Fixed mouse-wheel scrolling to end of newly imported MIDI file
- Fixed potential MIDI importing crash
- Metronome now only played on beats for compound time sigs
- Fixed hiding/showing Find panel
- Improved tempo adjustment sound quality
- Tests for activation before showing onboarding messages, otherwise skips some due to panels not being created
- Fixed: First Click of the metronome isn’t audible when playing
- Windows: Pauses for a second when DirectX device is lost to reduce chance of a crash releasing objects
- Mac: Fixed L and M keystrokes being applied to main rip when entering in Find panel
- Mac: Fixed transferring notes to a different layer using M keyboard shortcut and from the quick pop-up bar
v7.0.2 changes (5th December 2023)
- Better automatic Audio Input ripper setting chosen for user layer names
Bug fixes
- Mac: Fixed screen rendering glitches on some Macs with 3rd party graphics cards
- Fixed playback of slowed down drums and percussion
- Fixed occasional drop out of percussion during playback
- Fixed potential crash closing a rip
- Fixed potential crash doing Undo/Redo
- Fixed Ripper Options time start/end entry for Single Instrument panel
- Unedited rip copy (used for Edit>Reset functions) now renamed when main rip renamed
v7.0.1 changes (14th November 2023)
- Improved screen rendering speed of longer rips and related potential slowdown of playback
- Mac: RipLink AudioSuite plug-in now runs natively on Apple Silicon
- Windows: Added Lowest Latency option to File>Preferences for improved latency. If you experience playback issues such as slow down or clicks, turn it off (returns latency to RipX v6 level).
- Windows: Improved recorded audio sync to playback
Bug fixes
- Mac: Fixed issue where start-up could take a long time
- Fixed potential crash recording audio
- Fixed crash exporting note selection
- Fixed Filter Notes hiding notes when Straight Notes displayed (or zoomed out)
- Fixed stem.mp4 saving
v7.0.0 changes (7th November 2023)
- Improved AI Music Generator integration:
- The Music Generator button opens links to AI Music Generation services (shows a dialog box the first time explaining what will happen), where you can enter text descriptions for music to be created at the prompt.
- RipX DAW will detect when the first file is downloaded and bounce in the Dock/highlight in the Taskbar
- Click RipX DAW in the Dock/Taskbar and the ripper dialog will be automatically shown to rip all newly downloaded audio files.
- Mac: Now requests permission to access Downloads folder when choosing to perform AI Music Generation, to ensure RipX DAW is able to detect newly downloaded audio
- Moved Music Generator button from Rips Panel title to main toolbar for better visibility when rip open
- Effects & Sounds:
- Much improved Instrument replacement using Sounds Panel
- Further Sound replacement improvements
- Improved replacement of high percussion
- Samples now stretched to fill longer notes where necessary, leaving attack unchanged
- Noise reduction for poorer original note quality
- Much improved Filter Notes Effect to produce cleaner MIDI files on Export
- Now controlled by a percentage rather than dB level
- ‘Filter Notes’ option added to Export dialog for MIDI export to automatically apply Filter Notes at 50% during export. If require a different filtering level, can apply to Master layer beforehand.
- One-click effect and sound selection
- Clicking a Sound will remove other ones set. Ctrl+click sounds to mix in more sounds (or use slider)
- Adding Level, Shift Pitch, Shift Formant, Shift Time, Clip Start, Stereo Panning, will add an effect with 0 adjustment with automation lane displayed, so can quickly add fades, slides etc
- Shows all effects applied to a note/group using a similar UI to time selections, so can easily switch between automation lanes and parameters
- When select notes/groups show the automation lane selection panel, so it’s always obvious what has been applied. Can still double-click to also show the lane
- Draws effect icons in automation lanes (especially for when limited horizontal space these will be visible)
- Slide Pitch effect when applied to whole layer now works individually on each note, as not useful sliding off into infinity
- Can hover automation lane selection panels to show lane temporarily
- Fade-in automation lane on hover
- Highlights notes and groups for hovered/selected automation lanes
- Disabled Effects and Sounds auditioning during playback
- Selected effects and sounds now made visible in panels as different selections are made.
- When select Draw Sound mode, Sound Panel is opened with current Sound selection expanded and visible
- Panels and Sound Palettes opened automatically are also collapsed automatically when effect not applied to selection. Panesl and Sound Palettes opened by user remain open
- If user adds an effect, the panel or entry stays open, even if opened automatically
- Selecting an effect automation lane also makes specific effect visible in panel
- If an effects panel is temporarily opened automatically, and an edit is made to an effect within, it stays open
- Added Quick Panel for effects and sounds, containing commonly used effects by default, plus Search feature
- Commonly used Effects and Sounds are added automatically to the list
- Can also drag effects and sounds to list to add manually
- Can remove effects/sounds from list by right-clicking and choosing item from menu
- Fixed height so doesn’t jiggle around as different effects shown for different selections
- Temporarily expands panel if collapsed and search started
- No longer auto-add Sounds to Quick Panel as fills up with them too easily (they can still be dragged into it manual)
- Can now drag Loops to Quick Panel
- Added Search icon to Quick Panel to allow effect/sound names to be typed in and shortlisted
- Can now drag an Effect onto Rip to apply to current selection/layers
- Show Hall, Room etc description for Reverb setting
- Vibrato effect slider now moves more slowly at lower values making it more sensitive at lower values
- Effects highlighted in panel when used, even if they are applied, but value set to 0 (so can make automation lane adjustments around 0)
- Level Effect now goes down to minus infinity (zero level)
- Can now create a new rip with a given Sound or Effect by clicking an effect/sound or dragging an Effect/Sound to the empty Rip region
- Chorus Effect
- Default one-click settings are now 15% and x2 for a more traditional chorus effect.
- Random variation of pitch and timing now only occurs above 20%
- Dragging effects slider to a zero value when automation lane is set no longer removes it.
- No longer previews effects during selection playback
- Automation:
- Removed duplicate name rendering for time automation lanes
- When pull up top of automation lane, expand it
- Highlights automation parameter hovered and selected
- Cleaner edges when clicking and dragging
- Automation lane selectors for all selected layers (or all if Master) now shown and individually editable, so can compare over multiple layers
- Show level at top of automation lane when dragging outside the border
- No longer shows selectors for muted layers, unless they are selected
- To allow for more selective editing of effects in the panels, especially when Master or multiple layers selected, for time and layer selections, Effects Panels now show either:
- Levels for effects which apply to exactly the selected layers
- Or, if an automation lane is selected, shows levels for effects which apply to exactly the same layers that lane applies to
- Can now hover/click in the area where no effect shown to show/select the last effect in the list
- Sounds and Loops panels now have open/shut folders at top level
- Each Loop now has the loop icon
- Sound and Loop icons now colourised – clearer in Quick search
- Compression Effect: now makes up lost gain
- Applies less auto-gain to lower levels when compressing
- One-click setting changed from -20dB to -10dB
- If Sound applied at a lower level (note is lowest level, followed by note group, time selection and layer) then if level is lower than 100%, it now gets mixed in with any Sounds applied at higher levels
- If add full level sound to a group, no longer mixes in sound from a parent group
- Adds loop from Loops Panel entirely into Loops layer if present and selected
- Keep Sound and Loop folders open after renaming/removing a Sound or Loop
- Loops dragged on from Loops Panel now always get placed in the Loops layer, creating one if it doesn’t already exist
- Combo effect components can now be selected to make their automation lane editable (requires combo to be applied to something already)
- Combo effect components now use same icon colouring as main combo
- Auditions selected audio when removing an effect so can toggle between within and without effect
- Removing effect also keeps automatically opened panel open, so can put effect back again easily
- Improved Flanger effect. Second parameter now specifies the maximum detuning in cents of the secondary audio.
- Now updates Sound and Loops Panels when open/add new RipList (user Sounds and Loops are referenced from RipLists)
- Recording:
- ‘Computer Keyboard’ Input device added for playing ‘MIDI’ using the standard computer keyboard.
- Use top 2 rows of letter keys for white/black keys
- Use Cursor Down to use a lower octave range, or Cursor Up for a higher octave range
- Current range highlighted in on-screen keyboard, along with the keys to press for each note
- Pads sound funny – whilst being loaded as played using default?
- Play without updating cursor (S) shortcut now Shift+Spacebar
- Record (R) shortcut now Option+Spacebar (Mac) / Ctrl+Spacebar (Windows)
- Audio/MIDI within new recordings is now grouped to manage them more easily and make edits more quickly
- Group is selected once recording stops so can instantly play back and apply effects etc
- Step Time recording (when rip / Layer Panel or Effects/Sounds Panels have input focus). Play using MIDI or computer keyboard and notes are placed at cursor, with position set to next visible beat when note ended. Use right cursor key to skip a visible beat.
- Snaps note end to beat marker (if near by)
- Shows played keys on keyboard
- Input focus now implemented for the purpose of switching between Step Time input and MIDI Practice Mode.
- Press Esc or click on back of toolbar to clear input focus (so can practise a MIDI performance)
- Pressing Esc no longer clears Loop Marker
- Click on Rip to set input focus to rip (playing MIDI will be step-entry)
- Keeps input focus with rip unless using search box
- Shows Step Time icon always if selected
- When recording notes (using step-entry or otherwise), Sounds and Effects are no longer applied to the individual notes.
- Instead, where no Sound is applied, a default Sound is automatically played for the given Layer
- If a Sound is applied at the Note-level, any Group-, Time Selection- and Layer-level Sounds applied are ignored
- If a Sound is applied at the Group-level, any Time Selection- and Layer-level Sounds applied are ignored
- If a Sound is applied at the Time Selection-level any Layer-level Sounds applied are ignored
- When Drums or Percussion layer selected, MIDI/Computer Keyboard entry now places drum and percussion sounds (which can then be dragged vertically to be re-pitched
- For Kick, Snare, Toms, SFX layers, only sounds of each of those types are placed
- Shifted real-time playback of notes entered during recording forwards by the latency so beginning not missed (no adjustment is made when played back after recording)
- Sped up Layer slider updates from controllers, especially when a control adjusts multiple sliders
- Shows parameter value and highlighted slider text when adjusting using MIDI controller
- Layer and Input Panel sliders and Toolbar buttons can now be assigned to MIDI controllers even when Master layer not selected (still assigned as a Master effect however – so not dependent on a layer being selected)
- Different icons now used for disabled devices in Inputs panel
- No longer looks for a Timbre MIDI event to auto-set MPE on, instead compares the MIDI device name with known MPE devices.
- Added option to toggle Step Time on/off from Input Panel title cursor icon
- Mac: Fixed poor latency during MIDI recording
- Can now apply pitch bend when performing percussion from a controller (not MPE)
- Added Sustain Pedal support for MIDI controller input
- Auto-select Kick and Percussion drums when recording generic Drums layer (which separates out into Kick and Percussion)
- Disabled editing whilst recording and finishing off processing of audio recording to prevent potentially corrupted rips
- Fixed MIDI devices not appearing in Input Panel in first use after product activation
- Recorded notes no longer grouped in practice panel
- Increased duration of click on bar start in click track to make clearer
- Can no longer use cursor up/down on Computer Keyboard whilst keys played
- Groups:
- Original barline positions stored for each group for quick alignment to current BPM
- Visible when hovering title of group
- First barline snaps to beat marker when dragging position, or resizing start of group
- Last barline snaps to beat marker when resizing end of group
- Can now drag ungrouped notes into opened groups (including from Sounds Panel) – the group is highlight by the mouse pointer
- Can now copy and paste notes into opened groups
- Loops:
- Loops now contain separated sounds which can be edited, removed, duplicated and have effects applied
- When Loops dragged into a rip, rather than being placed wholly in a Loops layer, the layers within are kept, such as Kick and Percussion, making it easier to swap out instruments and make other edits to different parts
- Added Import Loops button to Loops title bar
- Added Add Loop button to Loops title bar
- Playback:
- Much improved sound quality of slowed down drums & percussion
- Improved slow down of newly placed high-percussion (affects newly placed Loops too)
- Playback level meter now vertically centred
- Windows: Reduced ASIO and Windows playback latency.
- Metronome/Click layer:
- Button added to Layers Panel title to enable clicks during playback for audible alignment of samples and notes
- Renamed Metronome to Click Track
- Implemented hard limiter on Master, to prevent overloading and clipping on playback and export
- When no Sound applied, now only chooses from stock Sounds for playback
- If in practice session, play using current rip’s and selected layer’s sounds and effects
- Disabled metronome during practice sessions
- Pressing Stop button when nothing recording/playing now rewinds to the start of rip/loop.
- Removed ‘Rewind to start’ button from toolbar to simplify now that the music generator icon has been added.
- Sounds shorted than 1.5 secs no longer stretched to fit notes as assumed as plucked
- Rips Panel:
- Rips and selections of Layers from Rips can now be dragged to other Rips to add to their list of Layers that can later be clicked and dragged into the Rip being worked on
- When a Rip (rather than its Layers) are dragged into another Rip, it is moved there. Hold Cmd/Ctrl to make a copy.
- When using right-click>Remove Layer, if Layer was originally a Rip from the main list, it is reinstated there, if previously moved.
- If choose to remove a Rip in the main list which is linked to in another Rip, it is instead hidden (so is still accessible from the other rip)
- If choose to delete a Rip in the main list which is linked to in another Rip, it is removed from the other rip.
- Practice Layer now always shown for expanded Rips so this can also be auditioned and dragged to the current Rip
- Made more difficult to accidentally drag a rip/effect into another by:
- Reducing the size of the drop area
- Highlighting a hovered entry in a different colour
- Rendering less information
- When a rip has been dragged into another rip, right-clicking it shows ‘Return To Main List’ instead of ‘Remove From Rip’ and clicking that returns it to the main list without any further prompts.
- Disallow dragging an unsaved rip into another rip as could disappear
- VST Import:
- Now features an Audition button to hear three notes of the sound spread over the specified pitch range before importing
- Added icons to Import Samples and Import VST Instrument RipScripts
- Editing:
- No longer previews Rips in the Rips panel as could be distracting when scrolling through looking for a particular rip (still previews the layers within when hovered).
- Added shortcuts for 3rd party AI Music Generator to main screen and Rips Panel title
- Can now undo a newly created rip to delete it (also works when creating a rip by clicking on a Sound/Effect)
- Auto-scrolls vertically when dragging out a selection rectangle when pitch zoomed in
- Also for horizontal auto-scroll, speed is variable depending on distant mouse cursor is past edge of rip
- Also auto-scrolls through pitch when dragging a selection
- Also for horizontal auto-scroll, speed is variable depending on distant mouse cursor is past edge of rip
- Now copies effects over when splitting/duplicating groups
- No longer groups single notes copied and pasted from one rip to another
- When selecting notes by clicking and dragging, or clicking individually (with or without Cmd/Ctrl held down) now intelligently selects (or deselects) the accompanying unpitched audio, where there is not a louder unselected note (that the unpitched audio might belong to).
- Shift-clicking notes now selects/deselects additional notes (like Ctrl-clicking)
- Cmd/Ctrl+Shift-clicking selects/deselects additional notes, but prevents unpitched audio being auto-selected.
- No longer displays unpitched audio at the bottom of the screen to avoid confusion and accidental clicking.
- To e.g. reduce noise between notes, time select and apply Level Effect.
- To edit, use RipX DAW Pro’s Edit Unpitched Tool.
- Duplicating a selection no longer stretches it to the duration of the bars being copied into. To do this, use Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+D instead.
- Put back clicking and dragging of notes in time selections, and now also auto-selects groups overlapping those time selections
- Now easier to reposition notes & groups to start of rip
- Faster dragging of Layers, Loops and Sounds onto a Rip
- PRO: Draw Sound tool:
- Fixed: Default Sound applied for drawn samples when Layer has audio device currently selected
- Fixed: Showing instrument for Draw Sound in Sound Panel, and updating as change Layer
- Fixed: Stopped sound just placed being re-played when choosing a different sound or effect
- Added tip to Change Tempo dialog about dragging tops of bar markers to change tempo without stretching audio
- Replaced Select All Unpitched and Select All Pitched with Select All Notes as no longer make a distinction in normal editing
- Now allows copy and pasting of empty bars from end of rip into Master and insert pasting of bars copied from Layers into Master.
- General:
- Updated name of product to Rip DAW to reflect the increased creative functionality.
- Replaced the module system (DeepRemix, DeepCreate and DeepAudio) with a clearer tier system: Layers (old DeepRemix), Creator (old DeepCreate | DeepRemix) and Complete (old DeepAudio | DeepCreate | DeepRemix).
- Added Search icon to Rips Panel to allow rip names to be typed in and shortlisted
- Deselect all rips when entering Rips Panel search
- Temporarily expands panel if collapsed and search started
- Improved usage of panels when very narrow
- Renders individual layers dB adjustment as minus infinity in Layers Panel, when set to minimum
- Now only shows more information in a panel title bar when hovered (for example the selection that effects will apply to)
- Shows appended part in non-bold font (store only that in the panel object and use the function to get the basic name when rendering)
- Shows current rip in hovered Layers panel title
- Filenames in exported stems and layers now show the Stem/Layer name before the track name
- Faster ellipsis rendering
- Added slight faded transparency to panels which becomes opaque when hovered
- Mac: Guitar chord flats and sharps now rendered using music symbols rather than # and b
- Screen rendering up to 2x faster
- Mac: Screen rendering using Metal and in own thread:
- Fixes poor latency during MIDI recording
- No longer necessary to switch macOS language to display e.g. Japanese and Chinese characters correctly
- Adds progress bar during long tempo adjustments
- Highlights Panel title buttons when hovered
- Updated product icons, ripper dialog image, and About image
- PRO version: Now necessary to hold Cmd/Ctrl when dropping file onto RipX DAW to display ripper dialog with Single Instrument option
- Export dialog handles paths with disallowed symbols better
- When a Scale set, only show additional Scale buttons at bottom when hovered where they would be for each bar marker
- Updated panel title bar colouring to reflect new logo
- Added one-time help tips at start-up
- Updated default layer palette to go with UI
- Improved progress dialogs on Mac:
- Displayed and Notes remain on screen in more situations
- Reduced memory usage required by pre-separation on CPU by shortening max section size
- Renamed MIDI items in Export menu to ‘MIDI – Detailed’ and ‘MIDI – Simple’ to make them clearer
- Auto-load sound folders as they are opened in panel, for instant preview and dragging onto rip
- Fixed RipX main window being sent to the back when Audioshop toolbar auto-hidden
- Widened activation dialog box so code always fits, and instructions on one line
- Disabled effects & layer panels and scale adjustment in deactivated RipX DAW Player
- Now transfer whole layer’s notes to another layer in Layers panel when nothing selected.
- Cleaned up presentation of Layers Panel
- If panel has search on, give focus to rip so can play immediately (e.g. for selecting an effect, or opening a rip)
- Fixed rendering brightness of notes with drums/unpitched sound applied
- Now shows notes belonging to selected layers brighter
Bug fixes
- Mac: Fixed issue with determined playback position not synced correctly to actual playback (could cause metronome and recording not to accurately align with beat markers)
- Fixed occasional issue with panel positions becoming corrupted after arranging
- Fixed issue with ripping longer WAV files using WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT wFormatTag
- Improved note splitting where time adjusted by effects
- Fixed applying effects to Master rather than individual layers when all layers selected individually
- Can now apply Master layer and time effects when no layer exists
- Can now copy and paste empty bars
- Fixed MIDI control assignment to Layer sliders and Toolbar buttons
- Fixed crash that occurred when an instrument listed as a recently used instrument no longer is present
- Prevent a loop being chosen as a default instrument for a layer
- Fixed selecting of note groups for non-selected layers when dragging a selection rectangle
- Fixed issue using some VST plug-ins that return an error when requesting window size
- Fixed very occasional unpitched sound drop out during playback (Export was fine)
- Fixed crash using imported VST samples straight after importing them
- Fixed playback of selective frequencies in Edit Unpitched tool
- Fixed double-clicking in Edit Unpitched tool to select bar
- Fixed issue changing tempo with some notes ending up in wrong position
- Group effects and automation lanes now divided correctly when groups split
- Group effects and automation lanes now merged correctly when groups joined
- Fixed crash switching to Edit Unpitched tool when some types of text on screen
- Fixed adding default sound for layer if not present
- Fixed application of effects to Sounds applied to layer or time levels
- Fixed notes disappearing when low Level effect applied
- Fixed note filtering to use original amplitude rather than with effects applied (which could include the filter itself)
- Fixed amplitude of rendered notes when effects removed
- Fixed time copy and paste of note groups
- Fixed duplication of time containing note groups
- Disabled clicking and dragging of time selections as not working correctly with groups
- Fixed renaming new rips
- Fixed duration of sounds dragged from Sound Panel when no rip currently open
- During looped playback, fixed missed playback at start of loop, and additional playback of audio just after loop
- Fixed full recording using computer keyboard when notes selected
- Fixed: Disabled Rip Panel ‘Show in Folder’ item if rip not yet saved
- Fixed: Prevent applying Loop from Quick Panel to a selection (legacy behaviour)
- Fixed dragging sounds/loops onto rip where layer not yet active
- Fixed Edit Unpitched tool drag selection crash
- Fixed start of rip marker being incorrectly updated when dragging 3rd barline marker onwards
- Fixed issue during audio recording when existing audio could stutter
- Fixed macOS 11+ audio recording latency
- Mac: Fixed rendering of keys on on-screen keyboard on smaller screens
- Mac: Fixed texture colours/brightness
- Ripper: Fixed distorted audio bug
- Fixed: Stop Quick Panel being auto-opened/closed to show effects applied to current selection
- Fixed: If an effects panel is temporarily opened automatically but Panel switched off in Panels menu, it is displayed, rather than leave a gap
- Fixed issue with unpitched selection clearing when clicking an already selected note
- Change Tempo: Fixed clipping of notes/adding empty time at start when rip begins with a partial bar
- Fixed sustain pedal ending notes still pressed
- Fixed issue with restricted earliest position of Sounds and Loops dragged onto a rip
- Fixed renaming of Loop folders
- Fixed sound replacement on audio note that has been reduced in length
- Fixed automation lane positioning for stretched notes
- Fixed formant adjustment being incorrectly applied to unpitched components of applied Sounds
- Mac: Fixed detection of new wav/mp3 files in Downloads folder after user giving permission first time
- Mac: Fixed missing playback time
- Fixed incorrect right-hand border on Unpitched Tool frequency column
- Fixed Alt+G group collapse toggle
- Mac: prevent 15 secs freeze previewing another sound from a different unloaded Sound folder
- Fixed bug where drum/percussion blobs could be sometimes drawn at the wrong pitch
- Resets older device files to ensure no corrupt settings present
v6.4.1 changes (25th July 2023)
Bug fixes
- Mac: Now correctly remembers playback device set in Preferences
- Windows: CUDA now functional for cards with 8GB VRAM
v6.4.0 changes (21st July 2023)
- Speed Improvements:
- Mac Ripping: Up to 6x faster on Apple Silicon (M1/M2 etc)
- Mac Ripping: Up to 3x faster on Intel Macs
- Windows Ripping: Up to 2x faster
- Up to 2.3x faster Rip file opening, and 2.7x faster Rip file saving, with faster editing and undo/redo
- Auditioning:
- Audition Rips, Layers (within expanded Rip in Rips Panel), Sounds and Loops by hovering them for a moment
- Expanding a rip in Rips Panel now lists its layers, for previewing and dragging to current rip
- Auditioning of Effects and Sounds during full playback is now delayed when hovered in a similar manner to Rip, Layer and Sound audio previews
- Groups:
- Only selectable from its ‘title’ bar, so that it’s easier to edit notes within, set the playback cursor etc.
- Added group name
- Added collapse icon toggle
- Can now group/ungroup items within a group
- Can now duplicate items (Ctrl/Cmd+D, or Ctrl+drag) within a group
- Can now split groups within a group
- Can now resize groups going off screen, at edges of screen
- Loops:
- Loop Panel loops are improved in sound quality. Note they can no longer be applied to a note (like a Sound or Effect). They are designed to be dragged from the Loops panel to the rip being worked on.
- Effects:
- Reverb effect much improved, with more accurate early reflections and more realistic reverberation components
- Reverb repeats parameter can now be set up to 15
- Improved automation of Harmony and Chord effects
- Effects sliders no longer get stuck when dragging slowly within the snap-off region, allowing for more precise setting
- Playback:
- The ‘S’ key now starts playback as well as stopping it (without moving the cursor), making it easy to experiment with edits
- Pressing ‘P’ now plays only the selected notes (if notes are selected)
- Auto-scroll during playback now scrolls when a certain amount of time near right edge, rather than a certain proportion of the window
- If loop set but playback position is outside it, auto-scrolling will now occur
- Now auto-playback always occurs on notes/groups regardless of their duration
- When note/group is auto-playing, can now click on one of the notes/groups being auto-played to stop the playback
- Now always renders playback cursor (not auto-play)
- Editing:
- Selected notes no longer flash and are displayed with a higher contrast stereo-position shadow
- Can now resize notes going off screen at edges of screen
- When adding a Sound and showing Master layer, add layer if necessary, but don’t exclusively select that new layer
- Highest Quality checkbox removed from Ripper dialog: Now always Rips at Highest Quality, due to latest speed increases
- Smooth transitions hovering notes and groups
- Less frequent updating of note pitches on keyboard, and interactive help to reduce flickers on peripheral of window when editing audio.
- If multiple rips selected, clicking one of them selects only it (previously deselected all)
- Drums & percussion within selections and groups now stretched (previously just moved/clipped)
- Improved playback quality of stretched kick drums
- Playback optimisations (particularly for pitched adjusted long notes, and audio with reverb, vibrato, quantize, flatten, correct pitch, and reverse effects applied)
- When click/editing notes & groups, auto-plays from start of screen, where they extend off screen, so easier to work zoomed in with longer objects
- Set cursor to start of screen after loading, rather than start of rip
- Now shows whether GPU available for Ripper in Help>About
- Shows start and end time for hovered groups at bottom left
- Removed ‘View> Audition Effects & Sounds’ menu item as now turn on by hovering over an effect/sound for a moment in a similar way to auditioning the audio within rips/layers/sounds
- Sounds and Loops sorted into alphabetical order
- Optimized Chord and Expand Pitch effects (improved playback etc)
- Shows guitar chords when ‘acoustic’ in Layer name
- Optimised playback of note selections
- Can now right-click on time remaining during ripping for cancel menu
- Less width taken up by time remaining when ripping
- Updated manual, which now has a white background: Easier for viewing searches in browsers, and printing out if necessary
- Simplified View menu – merging Barlines into Beat Markers, and Octave Guides into Semitone Guides, and moved Timeline to top, with Beat Markers
- When right-clicking to show menu, auto-playback of notes/groups is stopped
- Cancel auditioning of effects/loops etc when use scroll wheel
- When using scroll wheel in panels, highlights entry being hovered
- When loading a rip, ensures at least a full screen of the end of the rip is displayed (to prevent sometimes seeing a blank screen right at the end of a rip which may be confusing)
- Mac: Improved scroll speed through panels using trackpad/magic mouse
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug where ripper could fail sometimes on longer files in batch ripping on machines without a large amount of RAM
- Fixed quiet noise sometimes appearing at the end of ripped tracks
- Fixed incorrect default pitch set for one-shot sounds dragged from Sounds panel (could cause distortion of sound)
- Fixed RipScript tooltips not being displayed when Interactive Help not visible
- Windows: Detect correctly when move pointer from RipX to another app
- Updated instructions in manual for adjusting bars (since v6.3, dragging the top end, rather than a handle at the bottom)
- Reverb and delay now applied to unpitched sound
- Show left-right arrow whilst using slider controls
- Cancelling context menu with a click elsewhere no longer plays any selected audio, and does not have any other effect
- Fixed area at top and bottom of panels being mistaken as part of main rip display
- Show hovered time at bottom-left of screen when over automation lane
- Ctrl+dragging a selection now remembers and expands on the previous selection correctly
- Prevent flicker moving over Musical Scale, scrollbars and barlines in timeline
- Windows: More responsive Close button
- Now only checks for creating unpitched blobs on first opening of ripped file
- When Exporting: Cleans up Layer names so they can be valid filenames
- Fixed rendering of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean language fonts
- Stopped playback line on screen jumping when pressing stop
- Pop-up menus now appear more quickly, especially during playback
- Faster responding menu hovering over items
- Disallows invalid characters for rip and ripcut renaming
- Fixed playback of notes with Sounds applied when starting part-way through them
- Fixed issue with crash when deleting rip immediately after creating it
v6.3.0 changes (15th May 2023)
- When recording audio with Drums / Unpitched, audio made pitch and sound adjustable
- If record to a layer called Drums, Kick Drum and Percussion layers are automatically added and recorded drums are separated into these.
- Note groups:
- Can now directly click and edit notes within a group, including right-clicking to Edit Harmonics (DeepAudio module)
- Note group boundary updated as notes within edited
- Hold Alt when clicking background of group to place cursor
- Hold Alt when dragging within group to make partial selections within
- Can now click and drag selections of multiple note groups
- Faster grouping of large selections
- Faster dragging groups in time
- Ensures always some space above large groups for creating time selections
- Removed ‘Show/Hide Grouped Audio’ from context menu to simplify the UI, and reduce confusion when notes become invisible.
- Faster selection of large groups
- Can now ungroup groups within time selections
- Now shows groups in layers even when group contains additional layers
- Split tool/Split Here/Audio>Split Selection:
- Now splits groups
- Snaps to beat markers (unless Alt pressed)
- Split Here: Now deselects all notes to left of split time, even if not split
- Split Here: When on a group now deselects the left-side of the group, in line with splitting individual notes
- Can make time selection and choose Audio>Split Selection – Command/Ctrl+Shift+J.
- Removed ‘Split At Loop Marker’ from context menu to simplify the UI. Similar functionality can now be provided by making a time selection, and choosing ‘Split Selection’
- Significantly faster
- Join tool/Edit>Join:
- Now joins groups
- Significantly faster
- Now joins contents of time selections
- Added Reset Note/Selection to context menu
- Reset Selection now works with time selections, and resets whole rip if whole rip is time selected (e.g. ‘Edit>Select All Time’ done first)
- Disabled auto-scroll for playback of selections
- Removed red background during recording countdown
- Added interactive help for Input device options
- Added interactive help when hovering over the background of a panel
- Shortened duration of metronome click to be less intrusive. Tip: During recording, ‘Metronome’ appears in the Layers panel and its level and panning can be adjusted from there.
- Drums and percussion duration limited to one beat when dragged from Sound panel. Can drag right-edge to lengthen afterwards if necessary.
- Now shows icon for instrument in Layers panel
- Improved recognition of instrument types from names, used for choosing an instrument icon
- When right-clicking to bring up a context menu and a menu is already open, now updates the context menu for the new position clicked at
- Cursor, selection and loop positions now marked in horizontal scroll bar region
- Added markers can now snap to visible beat lines within bars
- Increased exported MIDI file note volume to more closely match the volume of original audio
- Marginal tempo improvement in MIDI files
- Added volume and expression control changes to MIDI files, plus sets panning to centre
- Improved choice of layer when dragging Sound from Sound panel to rip when Master selected in Layers panel
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where audio recording did not stop correctly
- Where the start of the first bar is before the start of the rip, loop markers and cursor/selection placements now snap to the start of the rip
- Fixed Edit>Reset Selection for new rips
- If Stems and Rips output folders become corrupted, or removed, they now become reset in Preferences.
- Windows: Fixed beat line positions in timeline when window not maximized
- RipScript Panel (DeepAudio):
- Fixed expanding RipScript category always affecting the first category
- Fixed showing ellipsis when RipScript has no keyboard shortcut
- Collapse status now remembered during and between sessions
- Update category in panel when RipScript saved
- RipScript Editor: Fixed F3 search for next instance of string
- Fixed occasional playback of selection double-clicking on window margins
- Fixed not being able to drag group of notes when no time or note selection
- Fixed issue with pitched drum notes being set to incorrect length, which could for example cause problems splitting
- Fixed bugs when duplicating selections
- When exporting MIDI, now uses volume adjustments set in the Layers panel
- Fixed issue with use of scrollbar jumping after a zoom
- No longer renders original panel position title bar when dragging panel
- Fixed potential crash selecting note on button up
- Fixed interactive help over panel borders and disabled popup menu items
- Mac: Fixed interactive help when a RipScript widget left highlighted after hovering and moving away quickly
v6.2.5 changes (20th Apr 2023)
- Improved recognition of barlines and beats
- Improved recognition of guitar chords
- Can also now select additional layers (on top of Guitars) to be included in guitar chord recognition
- Stores capo for each rip
- Left-click chord to toggle showing fingering and pitches used for chord symbols shown
- Marking out a loop no longer changes the selection to a time selection, so it’s easier to adjust automation lanes of existing effects without adding a new automation lane.
- If the current cursor or selection is outside the loop, it sets the cursor to the start of the loop so playback begins from the loop.
- Layer & Time selection Sounds applied now mix in with Sounds applied to individual notes
- No longer auto-scrolls during looped playback
- Can now deselect individual layers by Ctrl+clicking them
- Swapped bars and timeline sections to be more in line with DAWs
- Added beat numbering at beat lines
- Audioshop Draw Sound – now snaps note end to beat markers
- Updated ‘Activate Free Trial’ menu item text when trial currently running to avoid confusion.
- When closing a rip, if no associated file present (e.g. it was newly created and unedited), removes from rip list.
Bug fixes
- Notes with Sound applied now correctly adjust to pitch when Auto Pitch To Scale on
- Fixed stretched notes sounding distorted when Sound applied
- When split grouped notes, now correctly shows the bounding boxes of the new groups
- When clicking a note group, when multiple note groups selected, now correctly selects only the clicked group
- Deselecting a note now correctly sets the cursor to the start of it
- Fixed numbering of newly added rips with same name as existing rip
- Fixed snapping time to start of rip (for example setting loop start)
- Fixed issue with layers of same name becoming joined when reloading rip
- Fixed issue with audio recording getting stuck at finishing-off stage
- Reading/setting default tempo and time signature no longer fails when a rip has previously been unloaded and no rip open
- Fixed showing newly imported RipScript in RipScript panel
- Fixed issue where the overall amplitude for pitched percussion was not always set correctly
- Fixed Harmonic Editor crash when selecting audio within pitched percussion note
v6.2.0 changes (23rd Mar 2023)
- Significantly improved separation quality, with new Highest Quality ripper option. (Ripping can take 1.5x to 3x longer with this turned on)
- When guitar layers are selected, determined guitar chord symbols are now shown at the top of the rip. Hover to show the fingering in a chord diagram. Right-click symbol to loop through capo positions
- Added Stereo Pass effect: Limits selected audio to the chosen stereo position with a 25% stereo window. This is especially useful for listening to individual instruments of the same type on a layer, which have different stereo positioning. For example, this often helps with separation of lead and rhythm guitar
- Can now apply effects and sounds directly to a selected layer without making a time or note selection
- Reverted select all time double-clicking on layer
- To edit the parameters applied when adding/recording new notes, choose Audioshop Draw Sound tool, or adjust during recording
- Improved automation lanes, especially for whole layers and time selections
- Now selectable individually along the bottom of the screen
- Shows value at mouse pointer at top of lane
- Miscellaneous cosmetic and functional improvements
- No longer scales with pitch scale, so retains position on screen when zooming in or scrolling pitch
- Export dialog:
- Can now bulk save Selected Rips
- Added tip “Apply ‘Filter Notes’ effect to reduce unwanted notes” when MIDI options selected
- Now only auditions effects and sounds during playback. Remember you can disable auditioning entirely from View>Audition Effects & Sounds
- Dragging timeline and keyboard now scrolls as well as zooming
- Added Shift Phase effect: for shifting phase up to 2PI
- When reverb effect is set to 0.0secs and x1, it no longer reduces the level of the original audio, so plays an identical copy. This can be used in a combo with other effects following it, such as Vibrato and Shift Phase to produce phaser-style effects
- New shortcut Shift+Spacebar starts/stops playback without updating the cursor position, useful for quickly replaying sections when trying out different edits
- During playback, auto-scrolls earlier making it easier to read ahead
- Auto-scrolls more slowly to make the playback position easier to follow
- If playing back from clicking a note/note group, now doesn’t auto-scroll unless reaches far end of screen
- It is now possible to trial DeepCreate and DeepAudio modules from an activated full DeepRemix/DeepCreate license
- Can now adjust left/right-most points of loop marker at edge of screen where they go offscreen
- Enlarged pitch names on keyboard
- Auto-scroll dragging items in panels, plus auto-uncollapse when dragging and hovering over a panel title
- Chord effect automation lane now adjusts pitches of chord notes (previous had undefined behaviour)
- Pressing Space/Play when a note/group of notes is selected and no loop is set, now plays just the note/group of notes.
- Automation lanes of Harmony effects within Combos now update the harmony type over time
- Now loads default Sound Palettes and Loops from the installed RipX folder, and removes existing copies from Documents/RipX folder (where they were copied to previously)
- Increased maximum Sounds per Sound Palette from 127 to 255
- When an input device for a layer hasn’t previously been set, uses currently selected device
- Prevented shortening of panel title bar names where buttons present but not shown
- Massively sped up post-processing of ripped drum stems. Previously on long files (40+ mins), RipX could appear to have hung at 97%
- Various UI tweaks
Bug fixes
- Windows: Fixed jittery playback on-screen rendering
- Fixed Stretch On/Off not appearing when automation applies to entire rip
- Detect Musical Scale now ignores pitched percussion
- Auto-scrolls once again during playback when dragging sliders
- Auto-scrolls once again during playback when reaches end of loop when start of loop is not on screen
- Fixed bug affecting saving combos with automation lanes
- Various fixes to automation lanes and combo effects UI
- No longer adds multiple copies of same layer name to ‘Recent’ layer list
- Mac: Fixed issue with Bluetooth playback devices not being added to the list of Playback devices in preferences
- Now resets combo internal effect parameter when double-clicked
- Fixed: In looped playback, if wider than screen width now returns to loop start visually
- Clip Start effect now controlled by automation lane
- Fixed issue where could not load more than a few Sound Palettes at the same time if they each contained many sounds
- Improved handling when attempts to import more than maximum number of samples per Sound Palette occurs
- Prevent flashing between note and time selection text in interactive help
- Improved handing of corrupted combos on loading RipX
- When editing automation lane for a note or note group, now plays only on mouse up (was playing on mouse down too)
v6.1.0 changes (18th Jan 2023)
- New ‘Separate Guitar & Piano’ ripper option for improved guitar and piano separation, but with longer ripping time. If used with ‘Save Stems Only’ separate guitar and piano stems are created.
- Click on selected Layer, or double-click on non-selected Layer now selects all audio.
- To reset the Layer slider value where double-click has effect of selecting all audio, you can now triple-click
- Records audio and MIDI using loop markers
- Can now press Record during playback to immediately start recording
- When dragging a rectangle over notes to select them, auto-selects unpitched audio when all notes in a given time are selected, and shows a separate bounding rectangle.
- Setting loop marker now sets/extends the time selection for easy application of effects and sounds
- When dragging barline handles to set the beat grid, now only looks at notes from the selected Layers when detecting beats further into a song
- Can now edit effects applied to time selections for individual layers when originally applied to all, or a larger set of, layers
- Can now Shift-click in Layers panel to quickly select a series of layers
- Right-click over multiple selected layers brings up menu to allow deletion of all selected layers
- Improved quality of time stretching of unpitched audio
- Select All added to layers menu
- Right-click on a layer in Layers panel selects layer and shows menu for that layer
- If playback/recording marker is outside loop, it plays/records from there
- Selects and scrolls to show previous Rip being worked on when start new session
- Snap loop marker to closest beat marker, no matter the distance
- When clicking Solo for a selected layer, no longer deselects other layers (where more than one selected)
- Musical scales now colour coded to the layers they apply to
- Prevent MIDI practice recording when nothing playing and RipX not active app
- Added Enable/Disable device to MIDI Input Device right-click menu.
- Don’t scroll rip during playback if user scrolls away from the playback position
- Improvements to effects and sounds panel title text to make what they apply to more obvious
- When nothing selected and a layer selected, show red background for hovered/selected effects to indicate for new notes, not for any current selection
- Reverted Select All to Select All Time for consistency
- When Shift held down, always select notes rather than time when dragging selection rectangle
- Show current RipList name in Rips panel title when not default RipList
- At start-up, attempts to auto-detect MIDI surface controllers that send spurious MIDI Note On messages and turns them to Off. Does this if receives MIDI Note On within 2 seconds of start-up and device hasn’t been used for recording before. Select the device to re-enable it. Or click expand arrow and click ‘Off’ where can set MPE On/Off
- Disabled ability to rename/delete the default sound palettes and sounds
- Improved interactive help with information for double-clicking layers to select all time, and the difference and recommended use of time and note selections
- Shifted unpitched audio at bottom of screen up a few pixels so not right next to zoom adjustment
- Can now select time and create loop markers for recording past last barline
- Tightened up curved edges in display
- Updated loop marker colouring
- Made vertical region thinner where does time selection rather than note selection when dragging selection rectangle over notes
- Made selected notes clearer
- Current playback/recording position shown in main scrollbar so easy to find if scroll away.
Bug fixes
- Fixed ripping issue with gaps in very heavy drums/percussion
- Fixed issue where drums/percussion could be ripped with reduced quality
- Pitched Sound playback fix
- VST ripping fixes
- Fixed time selection effect saving bug (caused crash undo/redoing etc)
- Mac: Fixed issue when recording & playing back using same audio-device
- Fixed MIDI import when DeepCreate not activated
- Windows: Fixed failed Stem export on Windows 11 version 22H2
- Mac: Fixed audio recording issue where glitch could be present at end of recording
- Fixed issue where device settings not saved correctly where both Audio and MIDI inputs available for device
- Mac: Fixed mousewheel scrolling during recording
- Fixes for applying musical scales to different layers
- Fixed zoomed out/Straight Notes brightness
- Fixed pitched percussion display brightness when zoomed out or Straight Notes on
- When recording audio, intelligently decide whether to use stereo mix, left or right channel – e.g. where only one of two inputs used(previously it mixed both channels in this case, halving the level)
- Prevented deleting a rip when finishing off audio recording
- Fixed effect combos containing a sound placed after an effect like harmony, chord, reverb or delay, so that it only applies to that effect and not original note
- Fixed harmony applied so that it matches the value shown in slider
- Fixed 3rd harmonies where additional pitch adjustment required to fit key
- Prevented double-clicking timeline selecting bar
- Fixed loop region when dragging left edge over right edge and vice versa
- Fixed issue where notes going over the loop end marker are not updated when changing effects and sounds in looped playback
- Fixed undo for clicking and dragging to draw on an automation lane when it’s not already selected
- Mac: Fixed Chord effect number selection shown so doesn’t show undefined symbol
- Prevented sound being selected as a default for recording when dragged onto rip
- Prevented pitch shifting doing a partial semitone when near edges of editor ranges
- Ripping fixes
- Prevent quitting RipX when processing recorded audio
- Prevent Ctrl/Cmd+C,V etc working in rip when input focus is in RipScripts, such as Export and Change Tempo
- Changing Tempo now updates muted Layers too
v6.0.3 changes (6th Dec 2022)
- Improved playback engine
- Smoother effect and sample changes, especially when auditioning
- Fixed glitches with playing back notes with longer sounds applied
- Can once again select all notes at a given time by dragging a loop
- Draw unpitched audio much brighter at bottom of screen to make obvious it exists, in particular when applying Sound, it needs to be included in note selection, or use time selection
- Cursor and selection background color now matches selected layers to make clearer editing affects those layers only
- When nothing selected (so can choose sounds and effects to add new notes with) colours sound and effects grip red
- Sounds applied to individual notes now unaffected by sounds applied to time selections they may be within
- Tweaked reverb default values
- Play notes & groups when their automation lanes edited
- Made non-selected layers more transparent
- Import VST Instrument dialog now defaults to every pitch in range C2 to B5
- Can once again select an individual note within a time selection
- Show all unpitched audio when View>Straight Notes is selected
- Select automation lane for a time selection when clicking on its bar at the bottom of the screen if the effect is selected in the panels – helps to prevent accidental deletion of time when user may intend to reset/delete the effect
- More efficient rendering of text outlines
- Sample amplitude variation mix 50:50 with original audio
- Resizing unpitched notes now extends/shortens rather than stretches them, useful for applying longer drum sounds
- Applied unpitched sounds now change in pitch from original note to sample pitch as level increased.
- Select All selects notes rather than time, if mainly recorded notes containing no original audio in selected layers.
- When all time is selected, it is done from 0 seconds rather than score start
- When time is copied and the start time is 0, the score start is used instead
- When dragging a sound/loop from panel onto rip, now adds it to the first selected layer rather than try to create/select one based on the instrument name.
- Dragging a loop onto the main area when no rip is loaded sets up the tempo for it
- Don’t allow resizing ends of note when Fit To Bars effect is applied (correct usage is to adjust number of bars to fit, or remove that effect)
- Auditioning sounds requiring loading no longer disturbs playback
- Allow time selection to be transferred to different layer
Bug fixes
- Fixed opening reverb, delay, quantize, flatten and correct pitch effects from pre-v6 rip files.
- Fixed timing of delay and reverb when warp applied
- Numerous Loops fixes
- Fixed transparency of reverb/harmonies etc when layer not selected
- Fixed brightness of pitched notes relative to unpitched
- Fixed bar lengths of loops
- Handles Fit To Bars effected notes correctly after Change Tempo
- Fit To Bars now has one parameter only
- Pitch To Scale no longer affects unpitched notes or loops
- Windows: Fixed non-showing of activation code check messages
- Fixed issue with gaps created when changing tempo
v6.0.2 changes (22nd Nov 2022)
- More optimised rendering of sounds onto audio
- No longer stretches drums and percussion when changing tempo to be more natural sounding
- Auto-un-collapse combos when created/added to in panels
- Playback rendering improvements
- Added option to disable MIDI input under device name in Inputs panel (cycle MPE Off>MPE On>Off)
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with misaligned drums/percussion, particularly from pre-v6 Rip files
- Handles stopping audio recording before count down has finished correctly
- Fixed crash that could occur when recording audio
- Fixed selection of individual notes at the same time as other notes
- Fixed rendering of sounds on existing audio when less than 100% level
- Fixed selection of correct default sound for layers (e.g. not Bassoon for Bass)
- Mac: Fixed highlighted keys for pitches during playback
- Windows: Fixed issue where ripping files with a name finishing with a space or three dots (ie : “song .mp3”) and exporting stems (“for DJ” option) produced no files exported in the created folder.
- Prevent splitting of notes with time effects (like Fit To Bars, Warp Time, Quantize Time and Shift Time)
- Fixed playback ending when stop playback practice
- Update panel and insert at correct position combos from other effects panels
- Set timing effects correctly on pasting audio
- Fixed sometimes incorrectly placed dragged effect within other panel
- Fixed Fit To Bars timing when bar duration is variable (improves placing and duplicating loops)
v6.0.1 changes (18th Nov 2022)
- Can now set input device before clicking record when no rip/layers exist
- Scroll to show input device when change layer
- Smooth scroll panels
- Mac: improved usage of trackpad/scroll wheel for panels
- Better choice of default sounds for layers
- Improved pitch adjustment of unpitched instruments
- Set default sound for a layer when dragging a sound to it, and no default already exists
- Auto-select layer when soloing it
- Improved dragging of slider levels vs dragging the entry
- Added Interactive Help for the Fit To Bars effect
- Double-click loop markers to remove them
- Can now add loop markers by dragging to the left
- Can now edit notes in a time selection by dragging in pitch or time
- Sets included loops to correct number of bars by default when dragging onto rip
- No longer does sound/effects preview when nothing selected so easier to drag sounds and loops onto rip
- More accurate volume of sounds replacing existing audio
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue recording from stereo audio interface
- Fixed Ctrl+A then ‘L’ to create loop from whole rip (wouldn’t play back)
- Fixed potential hang
- Fixed crash loading new sound palettes during playback/recording
- Fixed keying Home to go back to start/start of Loop (all the time for Mac, and when not playing for Windows)
- Fixed issue with panels not collapsing correctly
- Fixed issue with long played MIDI notes disappearing
- Fixed issue with notes not always being deleted, e.g. if muted, or if the time selection start is negative
- Enabled more layer pop-up menu items when layer not selected
- Fixed Layers panel ‘Add’ uncollapse scroll amount
- Fixed issue with notes recorded from audio getting split up incorrectly
- Fixed issue where multiple devices could end up assigned to layers and tricky to select correct one
- Fixed issue where incorrect BPM shown at top right for new ripped
- Fixed issue with incorrect duration shown for rip in Rips panel
- Fixed issue with panel size adjustments getting stuck
- No longer changes record button to pause when practice playing MIDI
- Fixed crash exporting audio containing notes with harmonies, chords, reverb, delay
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