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Feedback from using your tool for transcription

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I wanted to give you some feedback from the perspective of someone who would use such a tool for transcribing music (creating scores). Not sure if I am your target audience, I feel you are focusing primarily on the sound editing, but your tool works very well for assisting in transcribing music. In the note separation department it is better than pretty much anything else already, but there are still some features that are missing and areas where it can be improved:
- First of all your model is your biggest asset and the killer feature, but you seem to focus most of your efforts on surrounding bells and whistles while neglecting the core model, which pretty much stays the same and even degrades. In the v7 you removed the "high quality" ripping toggle which now produces less accurate results than v6, a very odd move in the wrong direction. What I want to see the most in new releases is a more accurate model with better note detection and track separation, accurate stem separation is above everything else. 
- Your model produces great separation results for voice and instruments without secondary harmonics (bass, pads), but it probably works the worst on solo piano, it lights up pretty much every single note in the area. Now this is not necessarily a bad thing, all those harmonics and aftersounds are really there and you correctly separated them, but I wish there was some secondary harmonics isolation tool that leaves only the primary notes. It also could be detecting the primary notes and highlighting them. There could be a manual slider that goes from seeing only the primary notes to seeing all the quiet harmonics. 
- I wish the piano roll grid could be toggled to be much more visible so you can clearly see the stems over the note grid. A stem (especially voice) can be very curved, and it's not clear what note range it spans. Another option is when hovering over stems with a mouse always highlight the corresponding piano key based on where your cursor is, not where the stem is. Another great feature would be when you click a key on the piano roll it would draw a corresponding horizontal line across the screen so you can see if the stem is next to this note.
- Chord detection could be greatly improved, currently it's very rudimentary. Detecting chords only from a guitar track produces very inaccurate results because guitar track is often not the track that is defining the chords (chords could be in pads, piano, etc), moreover often each instrument plays only certain parts of a chord (bass guitar only the root notes, pads only high notes etc), so only all instruments and a voice together form a complete chord. Chord detection should work on the whole song rather than on an individual track. Look at "Chord AI" app, they currently have the best chord detection on the market probably, adding their level of chord detection to your note separation would be amazing.
- A very useful feature for transcribing is the ability to slow down the whole song playback while preserving the pitch so you can figure out what's going on in the fast parts. I think currently you allow slowing down individual notes, but what would be useful to have is a simple playback speed slider which you can adjust on the fly and slow down the whole song. You can see how it's done in Transcribe! software where this is a central feature.
You have an amazing tool that made a real breakthrough, I hope you keep iterating and improving on it, especially in the model tuning department to give us more amazing features never seen before.  
Thank you.

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- Due to speed improvements that were made, RipX now always rips with the highest quality setting. You shouldn't be experiencing worse results than you did with version 6. Please could you contact as via so that we can arrange for you to send us an example to investigate this.

- The Filter Notes effect in the FX Panel removes pitched notes below the selected dB level. You can use this to remove any superfluous quieter notes which shouldn't be included in your transcriptions. Alternatively, if you're exporting MIDI from RipX DAW, you can quickly apply the effect at 50% to the entire MIDI file by selecting ‘Filter Notes’ in the Export dialog box.

- When hovering the mouse pointer over a note, RipX DAW highlights the pitch of that note on the keyboard. If the note, spans multiple pitches, the highlighted pitch is the pitch that it predominantly has. You may find it helpful to switch on 'Straight Notes' from the View menu. If you select a layer (by clicking on it in the Layers Panel) and then press Ctrl+Shift+A (Windows) or Cmd-Shift-A (macOS), this will select all notes in that layer and show all of the pitches it contains on the keyboard. 

- I'm afraid RipX DAW is only able to detect guitar chords, not chords in general. However, the recognition of guitar chords can be enhanced by selecting other layers that contain harmony notes (such as Piano and Bass) in addition to the Guitar Layer (which must always be selected). (Multiple layers can be selected in the Layers Panel by clicking & Ctrl/Cmd-clicking on them.)

- RipX DAW has a slider for changing the BPM. The slider button is visible upon hovering the mouse pointer over the BPM shown at the top-right corner of the RipX DAW window.

Thank you for all of your feedback and suggestions. I have passed them on to our development team.
