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First Time User: Questions

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First time user here and first time poster! 
I have a couple things worth mentioning: 

1. These forums feel incomplete and not setup correctly. Why is it that I only see one group called "Python & RipScript API Programming Tips & Advice" and that is the only group I can create a new post in? I see 5 or so other posts on the main forum page, but I don't have any option to post there. I think there should be more topics besides this one, as what I post here today has nothing to do with Python scripting, or API programming. LOL.

2. I am day 3 into playing around with the demo, and hands down, it is definitely worth the price, however, I am hoping that moving forward you can make this product work better with country music. When I try to separate my country songs, your product has no idea how to separate Guitar, Piano, Steel Guitar, and Fiddle. I end up with all the instruments crammed into the Guitar stem. Many of my songs that I recorded 20 years ago I was hoping to separate the lead guitar tracks, but unfortunately, I can't get to those guitar parts cleanly, even manually because of the instruments above.. Is there a roadmap to making your products separate these 'other instruments' better? Heck, I would have thought the product would be able to separate a piano at least. And a fiddle sounds like no other instruments as well. 

3. Is there any way that I can tell if the app is using the Nvidia drivers? I installed RipX and afterwards, it told me about the Nvidia drivers, so I downloaded them and installed them, but RipX doesn't seem any different. How can I tell for sure that RipX is using my 16GB Quadro Card? My rips seems to be a little faster, going from maybe 6min to 5min. I would have expected to see more I guess, so I want to verify for sure. Is there an area or log where I can tell if the graphics card is being used to rip?

Thank you for a cool product!

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Thank you for all of your feedback. 

We've added a couple of new groups and moved your post to DeepRemix.

For instruments other than voice, bass and drums, it may sometimes be necessary to correct the assignment of notes within RipX.  This can be done by listening to them, selecting them and then assigning them to another layer by clicking on the appropriate arrow button to the left of the layer name in the Layers Panel at the bottom-right of RipX.  A new layer can be added to the Layers Panel by clicking ‘Add Layer’ from beneath the list of layers.  Separating a lead guitar from other guitars is a very difficult thing to do and is beyond the current scope of RipX.  We’re looking into ways to improve separation of keyboards from guitar. 

You can check if RipX is using your graphics card by opening Windows Task Manager, clicking ‘Performance’ and then ‘GPU’.  You should see a couple of spikes in the GPU memory usage while RipX is ripping.  You can make this clearer by choosing 'Cuda' from the dropdown menu beneath where it says 'GPU'.

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Thanks for the reply.

Regarding #2, you never answered if it was on the roadmap.
"Is there a roadmap to making your products separate these 'other instruments' better?". I really hope that I can use this tool some day to better separate my tracks - heck, I'd be happy with it figuring out piano at this point.

Regarding #3, I am using Windows 11, and I didn't see any option to "make this clearer by choosing 'Cuda' from the dropdown menu beneath where it says 'GPU'". 

I did notice that there were a few little spikes here and there, but I guess I expected it to be used much more than what I was seeing, which make me wonder if my Cuda is even being used at all (or even installed correctly). Can you please provide any other assistance with this? The dev's should really make it clearer in the UI as to which CPU/GPU is being used during the rip. Perhaps you can share that request for me for a future update.

Thank you again!
