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Piano & trumpet

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 First and foremost, I'd like to pay a huge respect to the devs for their brilliant work! Of course there's always a room for improvement, so here's my personal notice.
 I tried to extract a trumpet stem from Miles Davis's Blue In Green for my practice matters and figured out that the DAW can hardly identify a trumpet from a piano despite their huge timbral difference (well, to human ears at least). And that could be fine, I have no problem with manually creating dedicated layers and movin notes there, but some of the trumpet notes had been completely cut by the DAW while making a rip. I tried a few times, even went to another DAW to remove as much extra sound as possible, then ripped the track with only trumpet and piano sounds and ended up with the same result: some of the trumpet notes are completely gone.
 Surprisingly, separating piano and tenor sax was almost perfect. The DAW splitted parts like magic despite both instruments sharing the same octave!
 Also it would be so nice to be able to make some preliminary adjustments to the sound source before hitting the rip button, HP&LP filters, maybe choose from different algorhytms and a wider choice of predifinible instruments.
 That being said, I hope that the dev team will look forward to make improvements and I hope you guys find my little report reasonable. Have a nice time and thank you for this great tool!

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Also worth mentioning that I work on Windows, just in case.

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Posts: 148

Thanks for your feedback. I've passed it on to our devs.

For instruments other than voice, bass, piano and drums, it may sometimes be necessary to correct the assignment of notes within RipX DAW. This can be done by listening to them, selecting them and then assigning them to another layer by clicking on the appropriate arrow button in the Layers Panel. A new layer can be added to the Layers Panel by clicking ‘Add’ beneath the list of layers.

There’s also the possibility of using the Stereo Pass filter effect (from the Level Panel) to separate them if they have different stereo positions.
