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Right-click context menus not showing up

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Just purchased RipX DAW PRO and it's awesome 🙂

There is a bug, though, when using RipX in full screen mode. The right-click context menus don't appear anymore. Sometimes you can see it flash for maybe a frame, but then nothing.

Also the floating "Audioshop" panel is somehow hidden.
When you exit Full Screen, everything works as it should.

MacOS 14.5, Apple M2 Pro.

Hope this can get sorted out 🙂


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I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties. Do you have more than one Space inside Mission Control? Also, when you right-click, does macOS switch to a different Space (so that you can no longer see the RipX DAW window)?

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Posted by: @dave
Do you have more than one Space inside Mission Control?

Just Desktop and RipX PRO.

Posted by: @dave
Also, when you right-click, does macOS switch to a different Space (so that you can no longer see the RipX DAW window)?

Nope. The RipX Space keeps active and visible.

I thought it could be either Magnet or BetterDisplay interfering with window management somehow, but even after disabling them to start on boot it still happens.

Another weird thing is that (even on windowed mode on the Desktop) when minimizing RipX you cannot reopen its window by simply clicking on the icon on the Dock. You need to right click the icon and select RipX's window from the context menu...

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@sqeetz Do you have 'Minimise windows into application icon' checked in the 'Dock & Menu Bar' system preferences?

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@Dave I have it on. After turning it off the minimizing/restoring works, but only to the extra app icon on the far right of the Dock. I'd prefer not have to leave it off 🙂

The issue with the disappearing context menu while on full screen still persists, though...

I've now also installed RipX on my M1 MacBook just to make sure that it's not only my main machine behaving weirdly, but it happens there, too. 

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@sqeetz This should hopefully be fixed in the next update we release.

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@Dave That's great! Thanks 🙂
