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where has mute and solo gone?

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I use RipX for specific tasks, maybe once a month, and have been since 2022, so I'm hardly a neophyte user. However, I've noticed that I no longer have access to 'mute' and 'solo' functionality on the stems of the songs I have created.

Does anyone know why this might be? Obviously, it isn't a subtle thing. Has the UI changed with the latest versions of RipX? Or maybe this is a RipX DAW Pro thing, and perhaps I was unwittingly using that in trial mode?

I had a quick search through menus and couldn't see anything obvious.

I'm running RipX DAW 7.5.1 with a Mac M1 Max chip on Sequoia 15.1 

Thanks in advance for any ideas or suggestions.

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These should appear when you hover the mouse pointer over a layer in the Layers Panel.

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@dave Thanks for the reply. Yeah, that's what used to happen.Now, when I hover over the separated stem, it solos the stem (which isn't what I want), and no options appear as they used to. I'm pretty confused. I did a reinstall to the latest version - no dice.

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Just tried deleting my rips and running them again, to see if it made any difference, but it didn't.

Maybe RipX just isn't quite fully tested on Mac Silicon.

It's not a big deal. I've got Song Master Pro, which does a good job of unmixing and is easier to use. I'll migrate my workflow to that as I just don't have the time to deal with bugs or quirks.

Shame, as I was a fairly early adopter of RipX and try to stay loyal where I can. Maybe RipX should put a product support member on the forum? 

This post was modified 2 months ago by the_surf_doc

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@the_surf_doc RipX DAW has been fully tested on Silicon Macs. We're unable to reproduce this and haven't heard of anyone else experiencing it. Please could you try the following: 

  1. Close RipX DAW if it is open,
  2. Delete the RipX DAW app from your Applications folder,
  3. Create a copy of the ‘Rips’ folder within ‘Documents/RipX’ and put it somewhere outside of that folder,
  4. Delete the RipX folder from your Documents folder,
  5. Delete the folder called ‘Hit'n'Mix Shared’ within '~/Library/Application Support/Hit'n'Mix’.  (To open the hidden folder '~/Library’, hold down Option and click 'Library' within Finder's 'Go' menu.) 
  6. Restart your computer,
  7. Reinstall and open RipX DAW 7.5.1,
  8. If there were any Rip files that you copied to another location, move them into the new ‘Documents/RipX/Rips’ folder that has been created,
  9. Drag & drop the Rip files from that folder onto RipX DAW to display them in the Rips Panel.

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Hi David

Thank you for the reply and the detailed instructions.

I have carried these out and the missing mute/solo/slider functionality in the 'Layers' UI area has returned. All good.



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@the_surf_doc I'm glad to hear that. Thanks for letting me know.
