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Please provide proof that you are currently a student, educator or a representative of an academic institution. The proof should show your name, the name of the academic institution and a date that indicates that the proof is currently valid. For example, this could be a student ID card that shows the current academic year or an expiry date that is in the future. Please provide a copy of the invoice you received when you purchased RX, Melodyne or SpectraLayers.

If you work in a post-production environment or similar, offline activation is available for the macOS version of RipX DAW PRO only. To contact us for more information, please fill in the form below.


Some customers have reported RipX DAW crashes when MSI Afterburner and RivaTuner are running. If you have these installed, please try quitting them before running RipX DAW to see if this resolves the issue.

Otherwise, please fill in the form below with the following information:

  1. Windows/macOS version
  2. Computer CPU speed & number of cores
  3. Installed RAM
  4. Hard drive space available
  5. RipX DAW or RipX DAW PRO, and version number
  6. The precise nature of the issue
  7. Exactly when the issue occurs and how to reproduce it
  8. The exact wording of any error messages shown

If you have another DAW running at the same time as RipX DAW, it could be taking control of the playback device. Many DAWs have an option to not claim the playback device when running in the background. Alternatively, Windows users could choose a different ASIO device from the DAW such as ASIO4ALL. Otherwise, you could try using a different playback device in RipX DAW from its preferences.

If you are attempting to play back through a Scarlett device from a Mac and have Focusrite Control installed, use it to check that your Scarlett device is correctly configured to output sound from RipX DAW.

You may have seen videos or screenshots of older versions of RipX that show a quality slider for choosing between speed and quality when ripping. With the improvements we made to the quality of separation and ripping speed in more recent versions, it was found that the slider no longer made a useful difference and so it was removed. RipX DAW now automatically uses the highest quality setting.

For instruments other than voice, bass, piano and drums, it may sometimes be necessary to correct the assignment of notes within RipX DAW. This can be done by listening to them, selecting them and then assigning them to another layer by clicking on the appropriate arrow button in the Layers Panel. A new layer can be added to the Layers Panel by clicking ‘Add’ beneath the list of layers. There’s also the possibility of using the Stereo Pass filter effect (from the Level Panel) to separate them if they have different stereo positions.

If they have different stereo positions, you can use the Level Panel’s Stereo Pass filter effect to separate them. Otherwise, it’s possible to separate them by listening to them, selecting them and then assigning them to another layer by clicking on the appropriate arrow button in the Layers Panel. A new layer can be added to the Layers Panel by clicking ‘Add’ beneath the list of layers.

Each RipX DAW license can be activated on up to two of your own computers (PC or Mac). It is not possible to move the license to further computers after that. If you find that you are unable to activate RipX DAW on a new computer, please fill in the form below, including your activation code.

Please check that your computer meets all of the System Requirements.

If it does, please fill in the form below.

You need RipX DAW PRO to work from an external DAW, which includes plugins for use with Pro Tools and DAWs that support VST3/ARA2. If your DAW doesn’t support ARA, it may still be possible to use RipX DAW PRO with it by setting it as its external sample editor. Otherwise, you can still use general audio import and export methods.

Unfortunately, RipX DAW is not fully accessible through screen readers such as NVDA and VoiceOver. This is on our wish-list but we don’t currently have a date set.

RipX DAW PRO gives the same quality of separation as RipX DAW and at the same speed. However, RipX DAW PRO also provides powerful tools for cleaning up artifacts and audio in general, in addition to professional audio manipulation.

This can occur if the track’s levels are overloaded. You can fix this by reducing the levels slightly in an audio editor before opening with RipX DAW.

Before opening the track with RipX DAW, try using EQ or a high-pass filter with another audio editor to reduce bass frequencies that aren’t used by the vocals.
