Hit’n’Mix Infinity 4.7 Update

We are pleased to announce the imminent release of Hit’n’Mix Infinity 4.7, featuring the following enhancements and bug fixes:


  • Can now create toolbars below the Hit’n’Mix menu bar
  • Can now add custom menus to the Hit’n’Mix menu bar
  • Instrument Palette:
    • Renamed Sound Palette 
    • Now implemented as a permanent toolbar, auto-loaded at startup
    • Simplified and moved optional parameters to Audioshop and Note Editor for context-based display
    • Audition playback no longer sometimes warbled and new pitches not automatically generated
    • Removed from the RipScript menu as now permanently running as core component of Hit’n’Mix
  • Audioshop:
    • Draw Sound tool:
      • Much more responsive
      • Add sounds by clicking and dragging to right, and then dragging to left to shorten
      • Added Original Pitch and Whole Sound options
    • Join tool more flexible, joining notes further apart
    • Simplified and now implemented as a permanent toolbar, auto-loaded at startup
    • Added Edit Unpitched tool for copying/pasting/deleting/duplicating/removing noise from high resolution selected regions of audio
    • On all tools it is now possible to click to set playhead/cursor
    • Shortcut keys 0-9 and Shift+1 now assigned to Audioshop tools
    • Separate mouse cursor for each tool to identify current tool more easily
    • Removed from the RipScript menu as now permanently running as core component of Hit’n’Mix
    • Buttons to open/close other RipScripts like mappers, the Note Editor and Noise Removal added contextually to different tool option toolbars
    • When right-clicking, an Audioshop menu now appears rather than the old-style toolbar for localised setting of tool
  • Note Editor:
    • Much faster editing and rendering
    • Improved playback with cursor and Stop button added
    • Added grid markings and time references
    • Double-clicking note no longer runs the Note Editor as couldn’t be consistent over all editing modes. Note Editor now has a button on the Move/Resize tool’s options bar
    • Mousewheel support added for quick scrolling through time
  • Added Panning Mapper which supersedes and replaces the previous stereo sweep RipScripts
  • Export removed from RipScript menu as available from the File menu
  • Chord Creator:
    • Improved workflow
    • More responsive
  • Tempo Info now a toolbar
  • Info Window RipScript template now Info Toolbar
  • Various cosmetic improvements
  • Tidied up RipScript menus and submenus structure


  • It is now possible to zoom out to show the entire rip. The rip notes are shown in a simplified form when zoomed out a certain amount for a clearer presentation
  • It is now possible to duplicate note and time selections using Edit>Duplicate (Ctrl/Cmd+D)
  • It is now possible to use Edit>Revert To Original to return the rip to its original unedited state. Note this is only possible on rips created with Hit’n’Mix 4.7.0 onwards
  • Deleting lots of notes now much faster
  • Left side of keyboard is now a grip for moving pitch range displayed up/down when zoomed in
  • Master BPM now displayed with current rip name in top-right corner
  • Dragging barlines now snap to high amplitude potential beat points
  • Auto-saving disabled. Now Hit’n’Mix asks the user whether to save
  • Notes shown thicker when zoom in on pitch
  • Windows: When zooming in/out time region no longer flickers
  • Edit>Loop Selection (L) added to menu
  • Edit>Assign Layer now has shortcut A
  • Improved snapping of unpitched sound to beat markers when selecting
  • Higher resolution display of unpitched sound, with no banding
  • Shift+clicking rips in RipList now no longer deselects ones in the opposite direction to the current anchor
  • More undos, and limits undos if low on disk space


  • Instrument Panel renamed Layer Panel and instruments referred to as layers
  • Multiple Solos now supported
  • Master volume now adjustable
  • dB shown for level adjustments
  • Level slider less sensitive
  • Removed Edit>Unset Instrument as not very useful
  • Unset instruments now Unassigned layers
  • Added Assign Layer to layer menu
  • When add new layer, the currently selected notes/unpitched sound is automatically assigned to it
  • Removed unused instruments/layers from list so easier to add own, and less cluttered


  • Playback line displayed where notes non-existent or low in amplitude
  • Looped playback now plays within the loop, even if cursor currently outside it
  • Looped playback now plays from the cursor if within the loop
  • Now always auto-plays new selections even within loop markers


  • Tempo and beat detection much improved. Pre 4.7.0 files automatically reprocessed when loaded (can be undone)
  • 24-bit and 32-bit PCM WAV files now supported (previously only Float supported)
  • Now opens WAV files containing incorrect information about amount of data
  • Fixed issue where unpitched sound was not assigned correctly during single instrument rips
  • Improved Ripper Options descriptions
  • Closing the Ripper window now cancels the ripping within the Hit’n’Mix RipList panel
  • Hit’n’Mix now asks whether to rip at full speed or in the background the first time ripping is selected

Bug Fixes

  • Many bug fixes affecting all areas of operation

Hit’n’Mix Infinity 4.7 is a free update for existing owners. New to Hit’n’Mix Infinity? Get a free, 1-month trial HERE.

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