RipX 5.1.1 Update

We are pleased to announce the imminent release of RipX 5.1.1, featuring the following enhancements to the DeepRemix and DeepAudio modules:

Since v5.1.0


  • Fixed issue with only vocals being created on longer tracks
  • When Save Stems Only on and only Voice selected: Fixed issue where the stems would erroneously be numbered sections, often with some sections missing
  • When Save Stems Only on and only Voice selected: Now additionally exports an instruments stem, containing everything apart from vocals (not for Fastest ripper option)
  • Fixed issue where filename contained the ‘%’ symbol
  • Now imports MP3s containing redundant video
  • Now supports filenames beginning with a dot
  • Now supports FLAC and OGG files containing non-ASCII characters.
    Windows only: if the username contains non-ASCII characters it is still necessary to rename the file to contain only ASCII characters in a folder path containing only ASCII characters.
  • macOS Only: Fixed issue when ripping using Fastest setting with Voice only


  • When opening MIDI files the rip created is now auto-saved with the MIDI notes
  • macOS Only: Fixed issue with Exporting video files when ‘Loop’ or ‘Selection’ had been previously selected for exporting another format
  • macOS Only: Fixed crash deleting layers from panel
  • Help>Add RipX Modules now works for adding DeepAudio to an existing DeepRemix license
  • File>Export ‘Same As Source’ bit-rate option now uses correct value
  • Product Activation improvements


  • Audioshop:
    • Replace Sound – improved quality with more sensitivity to the volume fluctuations in the original notes
    • Split Tool – fixed occasional issue where note is left sounding off
    • Draw Sound Tool – fixed issue with distorted sound after pitch change when Whole Sound off
    • Clone Tool – fixed issue with distorted sound when cloning Sound
    • Draw Sound Tool – fixed issue with extra amplitude added to fundamental when drawing whole note with Whole Sound option off
  • Change Tempo now opens in the centre of the screen rather than top
  • Merge Note Layers now updates note if in Harmonic Editor

RipLink plug-in

  • ARA/VTS3 version now correctly handles situations where audio moved to a new position in DAW

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