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Beat mapping

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Hi all ive been using RipX since early days though mainly for pulling out stems and returning to my daw with exported stems.   I use it regularly with old digitised tape stuff just drop it in seperate and tidy up odd misplaced instruments.  Usually as good as RX sometimes better and certainly easier

I went in a bit deeper when i was asked why i didnt use ripx for a whole job and went to a song from first rip and got stuck trying to sort out beginnings and doing a map - am i misssing something?

1- on first import i need to clear the silence from the top say to the first beat and all the delete options seem to remove the sound but not the time - I found i could cut from actual bt1 onwards and them paste back at bar1 in rip but the time line goes weird.

2 - from there i can find bar2 and move the marker correctly but when i try to then move bar3 correctly i get bar 1 audio audio moving off the bar ?  Also when i start to move a bar number the audio vanishes making it all a bit hit and miss.

Am i missing something im not looking to warp or change anything i just want bars in the right places for syncing effects or adding samples at this point and ive done it many times in a daw manually with unclicked recordings?

Ive checked thru the forum and even watched a couple of videos using material that  syncs to bars




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It sounds as though you may not have 'Master' selected in the Layers Panel when you're trying to delete time. If a specific layer (e.g. Guitar) is selected, only that layer is editable and RipX DAW is unable to delete time from it since it would cause the layers to become out of sync with each other. (More information about this can be found on p. 13 of the manual which can be opened from the Help menu.)

I'm not sure if I've understood you correctly but it sounds as though you're trying to correct the positions of the bar lines.  Subsequent bar lines update automatically so it's best to start with the first and work forwards through the Rip. Please let me know if that doesn't answer your question.  

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Thanx David yes it was the master and rtfm time - I was in over my head trying to demonstrate what could be done with Ripx, as  i was just dragging stems into protools.   Definately time for me to try a complete tune in Ripx and have another look at all the other stuff in it now.

My other question about the start point moving off the grid when i try to put a bass intro into time ie I cut out the time so first note is on the Bar1 now easy - but because the bass is a bit jazzy I then have to adjust Bar3 but when i do this - and discovered u do have to be patient with mouse finger when dragging bars for audio to redraw to get the bar in the right place - but what happens is the first bass note on bar1 has moved 1/4 of a beat or so forward?  I did a fix by chopping off the new silence and it seems to then set in place while i move on - I always start at the beginning and onwards.  Is there a setting which locks the first sound to stick on 1?

I did try a couple of more straightforward tunes which mainly worked in terms of mapping


As i said i will have a go with the pro demo to explore  a bit more depth now ive got the manual on my Ipad....




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The positions of the first two bar lines determine where the start point is. It will be before the start of the Rip if RipX DAW thinks there's a pick-up bar (anacrusis) at the start, given the positions of those bar lines. 

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Thanks that explains the odd moving note - are you saying the first bar ie 1-2 is the crux of the matter ? I was using 1-3 because the bass line repeats but syncopates - but the rip makes the 1st note an 1/8 in so i remove the silence then position bar2 and the note is again an 1/8 in but if i remove silence again it does a good job going onwards.  Should i start with just a single bar?

Weirdly i did try a new rip of the same track at on point and it read it as average 99bpm rather than 126 in the previous rip - if i dont like the first in future ill just try again

I learnt a word anacrusis - doing this with clips i select the first useful 1 and move it to bar 5 depending on timing and butt up the intro/anacrusis for special or no treatment whether its 1 note or bars..







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It's difficult to say without looking at the Rip. If you'd like further help with this, please send us a message via and a member of our Help Desk will advise how you can share it with us. 
