Last seen: Jan 21, 2025
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties. Do you have more than one Space inside Mission Control? Also, when you right-click, does macO...
If you change the pitch of audio, it always preserves the formants. You can use the Formant effect to compensate or increase the effect if required.
Thanks for letting me know 🙂
Here are more detailed instructions: To create a new layer, hover the mouse pointer over the title bar of the Layers Panel (e.g. where it says Lay...
I'm glad to hear it's now working. Thanks for letting me know.
I'm glad to hear it's now working. Thanks for letting me know.
We can reproduce this issue by adding C:\Program Files\SuperCollider-3.13.0 to the PATH environment variable. The SuperCollider installer doesn’t appe...
Please could you answer the following questions: Do you have any programs installed that could be taking control over your Documents folder, such ...
I've been unable to reproduce this issue with RipX DAW becoming partially unresponsive after being left for a long time with the same Energy Saver set...
Hi Alan, I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties. Please could you answer the following questions: Which version of Windows are yo...
It should always achieve the desired effect. Please let me know if you expererience any issues with it.
Once you've assigned the lead singer's notes to their own layer, you can select them all by clicking on that layer in the Layers Panel (to select it) ...
If they have different stereo positions, you can use the FX Panel’s Stereo Pass filter effect to separate them. Otherwise, it’s possible to separate t...
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties. I've been unable to reproduce this. Which version of Windows are you using?
I'm afraid we're unable to provide detailed information on how this works. Have you experenced any issues with it?