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Deep dive into stem separation tools?

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I was browsing again through the videos on the page, and the Youtube channel, looking into stem separation deep dives.

While the other tools are interesting, I bought the software - and all the upgrades, to be able to control and fix stem separation. Most videos veer between RipX's unique features, and those it shares with programs like Melodyne.

I'd love to see someone just go super deep into all the tools for improving a Ripx separation, how to move things between layers or channels in the best way, and so on.

There's lots of tools there, but I just feel clumsy using them, I really want to see someone who's mastered the program doing clever things.

Videos that veer into other features frustrate me, because I don't feel I'm ready to go into those features while I can still hear artifacts, or missing bits, and so on. It took me a while to convince myself to splurge on this, I'm sad I can't figure out the additional features in the upgrades. I'm still convinced that the upgrades are ace, but I do need to figure them out. 

And I'm skeptical spending time on watching the review type of videos, since those usually feature new users and a very skin-deep approach to the product. I watched a couple of them, but they just skimmed the surface. 

So my question is:

Are there videos that cover this, that I didn't find? 

If not, I guess this is a suggestion that learning material with this focus be created 😀



zenwarlord reacted
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Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. 

You may be interested in these blogposts which cover deeper stem and noise clean-up capabilities using DeepAudio:

This post was modified 1 year ago by David Dawe

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@dave There's so much more that I could learn about DeepAudio. To be honest I don't know if the tool is as robust as I thought - most of the videos online deal with Deep Remix and Deep Create, but not Deep Audio, the harmonic editor, etc. I tried separating some loud crowd noise from a video and could not figure out how to work with the harmonic editor - in the main window I can "split" a note (for example if I hear that Ripx has detected 2 different persons and one is far in the crowd, with their onset after the main person speaking. If I'm careful and select that point in the note where the main person's voice is ending and the crowd, then Ripx cleverly splits these and in so doing it recognizes that the pitch of the person in the crowd is not the pitch that Ripx chose for the note during Rip. Now I go into the harmonic editor because some of the NEW 2nd note (the person in the crowd) is a combination including necessary sibilance from the SH sound of the main speaker. But harmonic editor, unless I'm missing something, has no way to zoom, or audition the harmonic relationships (because they're chopped into very short durations and with my nerves I can't really select one row in the harmonics window (which is too small in size) to figure out which part is sibilance, and even if I did figure it out, my options there, unless I'm mistaken, do NOT include redirecting that harmonic material back to the original note.

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@zenwarlord It sounds as though you are using an older version of RipX. I recommend using the most recent version which can be downloaded from:

It's best to uninstall your existing version before installing this one. 

Unpitched sound that isn't contained within a note can be edited with RipX DAW PRO's 'Edit Unpitched' tool (which was also included with DeepAudio).

It's possible to resize Harmonic Editor by clicking & dragging the edges of its window. Making it taller will increase the height of each harmonic. If you select the first tool listed along the top of Harmonic Editor, you can click & drag over harmonics to listen to them. Harmonics can be removed from the currently selected note to another note by selecting the second tool from the left, checking 'Remove To New Layer', then clicking & dragging over them.

More information about Harmonic Editor can be found on pages 46-47 of the (most recent version of the) manual which can be opened from RipX DAW's Help menu. 
