RipX 5.2.1 Update

We are pleased to announce the imminent release of RipX 5.2.1, featuring the following enhancements to the DeepRemix and DeepAudio modules:

Since v5.2.0


  • Traktor stem.mp4 file stems now appear in the order Drums, Bass, Other, Vocals
  • macOS: Traktor stem.mp4 file stems now have increased quality (bitrate)
  • MIDI export now includes many Adjust / Effects & Clean / Repair adjustments
  • Fixed issue where Export could complain about no source dialog existing when exporting MIDI
  • MIDI file export: ‘Bass’ layer now converts to MIDI Bass guitar instrument rather than choral Bass.
  • MIDI file export: More reliable pitch bends by only allowing a note to continue to control the pitch wheel, until something stronger comes along (only one note per layer can control the pitch wheel in the MIDI format)


  • Speeded up undo/redo of large selection edits
  • More instantaneous application of Adjust / Effects & Clean / Repair.
  • Now instantly applies Adjust / Effects & Clean / Repair to large selections as slider dragged, unless a specific frequency selection has been made in Edit Unpitched Tool.
  • More instantaneous transferring of notes to different instrument layers, and undo/redo of this
  • Fixed issue with difficulty dragging selections left/right when View > Snap To Semitone Guides off
  • Can now duplicate instrument layers even if muted or locked
  • Clean / Repair processes can now be combined more effectively
  • Filter Notes added to Clean / Repair. This removes pitched notes below a given dB level and can be useful for removing quieter unwanted notes before exporting to MIDI.
  • Note selections no longer flash, and instead are thicker and brighter for clarity. Notes filtered out using Clean / Repair are shown narrower and darker to make the distinction easier when dragging the slider.
  • Fixed Tones & Hum sometimes not removing tones at certain frequencies
  • When renaming an instrument layer, if that name has been used before at any time, and it’s not currently used for another layer in the rip, the previously used color, size and playback visual settings are taken.


  • With Save Stems Only, now outputs stem files with same sample rate and bit depth as original for WAV, FLAC and OGG formats (24-bit becomes 32-bit)

Since v5.1.1


  • Overall improved separation quality and faster ripping. Speed/Quality slider removed from Ripper options as no longer makes a useful difference.
  • Windows CUDA hardware acceleration users: If your graphics card has 8GB VRAM (10GB VRAM is now recommended), you may need to be using only a single monitor, with no other apps running when ripping. A checkbox CUDA Acceleration (uncheck if fails) will be added to the Ripper options, and you should uncheck this if RipX crashes or does not complete separation whilst ripping. These cards include NVIDIA GeForce 1070 / 1080 / 2070 / 2080 / 3070.
  • Note recognition accuracy improved.
  • Recognition bug fix that improves separation between pitched and unpitched sounds.
  • Updated text in Ripper dialog to Multiple Instruments & Sounds to make clearer it’s the best option for separating instruments from other sounds, such as background noise.
  • Fixed issue with unpitched sound levels.
  • Windows: Can now select many more files from File>Open.


  • Fixed issue exporting as stems or layers where Rip name contains a dot (the files had an incorrect extension)
  • If source sample rate not available, now shows a message asking user to select sample rate, and auto-sets to 44.1kHz default.


  • DeepAudio only:
    • Clean / Repairs menu added that works in a similar way to the Effects/Adjustments menu for live clean-up and repair of audio:
      • Filter Background – Removes unpitched audio and harmonic slices below a given dB level.
      • Limit Foreground – Limits the dB level of unpitched audio and harmonic slices.
      • Tones & Hum – Removes unwanted sounds like tones and hums, up to a maximum bandwidth.
      • Purify – Evens out rough and random amplitude changes within unpitched audio and harmonics, to create a smoother sound.
      • Overtone Level– Decreases/increases the level of overtones within pitched sounds, by adjusting harmonics.
      • Fundamental Level – Decreases/increases the level of the fundamental (1st harmonic) within pitched sounds. This can even be used to regenerate a fundamental that was filtered out during a mixing/mastering process, adding more bass presence back to sounds like vocals.
    • Faster high quantity note edits where notes need splitting at selection boundaries – especially for unpitched audio.
    • Faster zoomed-out unpitched tool rendering.
    • Low/High Pass filters can now be applied from the Edit Unpitched Tool.
  • Copy followed by Paste with no selection changes, now creates a copy of the notes, rather than replace the selection leaving things unchanged.
  • After deleting note selection, cursor is placed at start time of the selection.
  • Can now rename, change color/height/visuals of, duplicate and delete muted layers.
  • Can now duplicate layers to same name over different rips.
  • Double-clicking on a Layer panels slider now resets to zero.
  • Move Selection To Layer now always visible when audio selected.
  • Move Selection To Layer now present in Layer menu.
  • Fixed issue with occasional distorted notes that are shortened during a time selection deletion.
  • Better quality audio when copying and pasting from a non-44.1kHz original sample rate rip to a new rip.
  • No longer draws overlapping bar times past end of rip.
  • If applying Effects/Adjustments/Repairs to longer sections of audio than 10 secs, the change is applied once the slider drag ends (for speedier updates).
  • Now shows frequency/pitch information at bottom left during auto-playback of audio selection
  • Much less chance of notes not being shown during intensive edits

RipScripts (DeepAudio only)

  • Harmonic Editor
    • Added Eye button which when selected, displays amplitudes adjusted for effects, repairs and other live adjustments.
    • Improved pointer accuracy showing the correct slice.
    • Made it so that clicking and dragging over timeline only changes scale if mouse moving more horizontally than vertically (to reduce chance of scale changes when editing quickly) .
    • Windows: Improved Ctrl+mousewheel zooming.
    • When using Remove To New Layer, no longer unmutes the auto-created ‘(Removed)’ layer if muted.
    • When using Reduce Loud Harmonics tool, doing a fast vertical drag now updates all harmonics correctly.
    • Edge fade on brushes now limited to one slice.
    • Brush duration previewed at top-left of display when using slider.
    • Now displays frequency of harmonic slice even when no data available for it (e.g. it is silent) – calculated from the fundamental and inharmonicity.
    • Improved stability.
  • When setting a note to a new instrument/layer, if it already exists and is muted, it no longer unmutes it.
  • Removed ‘Remove Noise…’ button from Edit Unpitched Tool now that the Clean/Repair menu can be used for this more efficiently.


  • Hide: Help > Interactive Help now displayed at bottom of Interactive Help.
  • Pitch shown more prominently at bottom left of screen when mouse over note.
  • Keyboard no longer transparent.
  • Mac only: Now supports drag and drop of audio files from more sources.
  • Mac only: Fixed position of toolbars on macOS Big Sur and Monterey.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Windows only: Installer no longer associates RipX with wav, mp3, flac and ogg file formats.
  • Windows only: Installer no longer checks screen resolution, in case it gets a low resolution special external device screen and prevents installation.
  • Windows only: Installer no longer checks available RAM as some users reported it not allowing installation even though plenty of RAM available.
  • Windows only: Non-maximized window edges now match main dark grey colour.
  • Installer files size considerably smaller – around 800MB less.

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