We are pleased to announce the imminent release of RipX 5.2.5, featuring the following enhancements to the DeepRemix and DeepAudio modules:
Since v5.2.1
- Mac only: Now fully native for Apple Silicon (M1 etc) – up to 2x faster ripping speeds!
- Mac only: Focus correctly set in Export, Change Tempo and other RipScript windows, so you can type straightaway without clicking on the edit box
- Mac only: Python language version upgraded to 3.9
- Windows only: If choose the root of a drive as a Rips or Stems folder, now functions correctly
- Added How To… section to manual covering common tasks
- Various bug fixes
- Percussion now displayed and editable as ‘blobs’ like drums and kick drums.
- Stops playing properly when clicking on background of rip to stop full playback of selected notes
- Sets cursor correctly when clicking on background of rip to cancel note selection
- Faster application of live effects and repairs
- Mac: Notes no longer visibly stutter when applying live effects and repairs
- Fixed slider position for some effects that cannot be applied to unpitched audio, when unpitched audio is selected
- Fixed issue with apparently un-selectable notes after dragging a large number of them
- Harmony Effects can now be rendered using Audio>Render Adjustments & Effects. This allows you to quickly create harmonies, and then edit the harmony component further.
- Better Unpitched Tool auto-contrast
- Shows time range at bottom-right of screen for whole drum/percussion blob when hovering over one (previously just showed for part of it)
- If Rips Output Folder is changed during ripping, ripping now completes successfully with the rip file in the newly chosen destination.
- Fixed temporary file removal.
- Improved progress bar accuracy
- Improved kick & snare drum recognition
- Fixed an issue where canceling ripping for a file could cause other files not to complete ripping
- Fixed incorrect note tuning for MIDI Notes option (introduced in v5.2.1)
- Now exports Kick Drum, Drums and Percussion blobs in MIDI files. Only newly ripped tracks will include Percussion and it is recommended to re-rip for improved kick and drums recognition.
- Now stores tempo map in MIDI files
just downloaded ripx both versions and neither loads on my M1 MACBOOK AIR with 8gb memory.
Please send us a message via https://hitnmix.com/contact/ and a member of our technical support team will be able to help you with this.