“The separation is truly excellent. From mash-up lovers to celebrity samplists, one name keeps cropping up: RipX by Hit’n’Mix. But RipX isn’t just for stem separation. It’s a combined audio editor and DAW.“
“RipX employs a neat and effective system: you only ever see live playing layers.”
“Far from being confusing, it delivers an inspired combined audio/arrangement visualisation, showing how busy, or sparse, sections are both musically and sonically.”
“RipX even lets you substitute the instrument/voice of one layer with another, replacing, for example, a vocal with a piano playing the same notes.”
“RipX can export any and all layers as MIDI files, so you could use instruments in your regular DAW to replace such parts. This also makes RipX a fantastic tool for non-classically trained producers covering existing tracks: it can generate complete MIDI files from any song.”
“It frees you from conventional restrictive multitrack thinking – instead of just adding effects per layer, you can drop directly onto individual words/notes.”
“And you can efforlessly combine groups of different processor types (dynamic, tuning etc) into single presets, and automate these, for some uniquely fantastic (and fast) sound design.”
“Most importantly, RipX offers a genuinely different approach to composition and editing.”
“RipX feels like a glimpse of the future. If you like playing with samples and creating edits and bootlegs, the 21-day free trial is a no-brainer. And if you’re a sound designer, the rhythmic manipulation possibilities are genuinely unique.“
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